Christopher O'Connor
2 min readNov 20, 2023


Some people I know personally have been asking me about my opinion concerning the upcoming election and my take on Joe Biden versus Donald Trump. I’ll acknowledge that I was ambivalent about Biden during his election in his first term because I was not particularly fond of the Obama administration; Joe Biden has, in my eyes, shown himself to be a capable leader determined to protect the interests of the American people, and a leader who will not kowtow to oppressors and tyrannical dictators. Trump, it has become quite apparent, was interested in smoothing over relations with and cutting deals with groups that amounted to terrorist entities. Namely ruthless dictators including the likes of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. Not to mention the fact that Donald Trump appears to have been holding state secrets and clandestine information in insecure storage locations, including his private bathroom, and sharing said information with uncleared individuals. Many people appear to be making excuses for Donald Trump’s behavior, but quite frankly, it does appear that the man instigated a coup against the legitimate government of these United States of America, and appears to have a greater interest in maintaining his own political power and financial interests, rather than in the interests of the American people and the upholding of the American constitution. The sacred document that holds together our great nation. I do not believe that anyone, who is more interested in political advantage than in protecting and upholding the constitution, really deserves to be in a political office in this country. Trump, to my mind, appears to have demonstrated himself to be such an irresponsible individual. I am hopeful that current President Joe Biden will win the upcoming election and I support Joseph Biden and his campaign in the next election.



Christopher O'Connor

I’m a math/test-prep/ESL tutor, and I like math, programming, computers, projects, fun, art, and physical training. Also sports, games, challenges, puzzles etc.